Matt and Kim


Matt and Kim are still releasing fun music and exuberant videos, and their Instagram will cheer you up even on your worst day. Somehow, they seem to look younger than they did in this interview 14 years ago.


Matt and Kim are a highly energetic two-piece band out of Brooklyn. Their dance-y, hard-driving pop songs and charming personalities have earned them a loyal following and launched them into a non-stop touring lifestyle. But I think that’s why they learned to play instruments in the first place!

About the interview

Not only was this the first interview in the Jenville limo, it was also my birthday. I can think of no better guests for the occasion. Matt and Kim are so much fun! Many thanks to Iheartcomix for use of the Yea Yeah video.






Cambridge, MA

James Holland

Eric Holland

Carrot Salad

A really cheap salad.


  • carrots
  • cucumbers
  • onions
  • tomatoes
  • chickpeas
  • olives (the cheap can kind)
  • balsamic vinaigrette (a must!)


  1. Shred carrots
  2. Cut everything else up!
  3. Pour balsamic dressing on top!
  4. You are done!

This meal should set you back 5 bucks!